Friday, November 25, 2011

writer's block...

So here I am, with nothing to write. My life feels like it's been college essays and short answer questions nonstop, and I'm more than ready for it to end. Okay that was definitely an exaggeration, but it sometimes feels like that after hours of staring at a computer. I'm getting closer though, two essays down, one to go, and 5 days to finish...eeek! But creativity evades me at the moment, I find myself able to write for a good hour and then my creativity starts to fade, and my writing goes from lyrical to textbookish. And that is no fun to read. Trust me, when I get bored reading my essay, something needs to change. So if anyone has any little nuggets of writing wisdom, that may help spark creativity or help divert my attention for a while, that would be lovely. But for now I'm going to return to writing, or not writing depending on if I feel creatively inspired....we'll just have to see.