Go to class. Study. Go to class. Go to work. Eat dinner. See a friend. Study. Study. Study.
I want to escape sometimes, from the "occurrences" of the everyday. To break from habit, to change the way I live out my day. I become tied to routine, something that used to be like an addiction to me. But now, it's a necessity some days. Just to stay in order, to do what I simply have to do.
So that's why I love moments like this. When I FINALLY get to write. Moments when I get to sit back and ask Papa questions. Moments when it's dark and cool and breezy, and I get to walk in the quiet of the night. I'm realizing more and more my need to listen. To shut up, stop going on, and just cease the noise.
I've been reading Emily Freeman's blog "Chatting at the Sky". She's doing a series called "31 days to hush". Which seems quite appropriate to me, since there are many days when indeed a little hush on my end would be helpful to myself and others. On the softer side, it's a wonderful invitation to live life quietly, in expectation of conversation with the Father. Remembering that a conversation goes both ways. It's not simply us speaking to Him. He desires to whisper words of love back to us. Whether they be simple, guiding, or bold. All are beautiful. And we won't hear any of them if we don't hush.
So why don't you join me in hushing this week? Let's see what Papa has to say.