I love coffee shops. If you know me, this will come as no surprise to you. It will also be of no surprise to you that my dream is to own my very own coffee shop, and that I am sitting in a coffee shop right now. I love the sights and the sounds and the smells:
the whirring of milk being steamed
the strong, sweet smell of espresso
the bubbling of coffee brewing
the folks hunkered down to study in mismatch couches
the kindred spirits sharing and laughing in the corner
the baristas swift, yet precise making of drinks
...the fact that I've been sitting here for hours, a table covered in notes and post-its, and no one has questioned my temporary taking up residence in this little corner....These are reasons I love coffee shops....the list does go on, but I don't want to bore anyone with the crazy wanderings of my brain and heart when it comes to all things coffee.
What I would like to share is Wonder. Wonder at how the Lord works. Awe at the handiwork of my Father. I came to Aggieland with a dream in my back pocket and empty hands that were trying to grasp so tightly to familiarity. However, Papa had a different plan and gently opened my hands up, emptying them of all I tried to cling to-the comfortable that I thought would fulfill me.
So there I stood, with nothing....except for Him. Yahweh. I AM. And we walked, He told me life here wasn't going to look like it did back home, it wasn't going to feel like it, but that was what was exciting- this journey was and is new. Every single day.
And as this new journey began to unfold before my eyes, I could not help but turn my gaze Heaven-ward in awe of my Father.
He provides: within the first week here, I started a new job.
He is faithful: as I settled in, I already had brothers and sisters in Christ to fellowship with.
He is so good: every single day He walks with me.
He walks with me as I get lost, wandering for twenty more minutes than I meant.
He laughs with me as I attempt to ride my bike while talking on the phone.
He sits with me while I eat my lunch alone.
He is with me. Always. He is teaching me. Always. And as I sit here in this coffee shop and words flood my head, because I want to just write and write and write, He is my peace and clarity of mind.
My Father is good, do you know Him? Would you please seek Him? Ask Him to show you all the ways He loves you, all the ways He provides for you. He is faithful to teach and walk with His children. My prayer is you learn that today and every day becomes a deeper realization of those things.
Have a lovely day my sweet friends!

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