Friday, April 26, 2013

i don't know

(image: Pinterest)

I don't know. This is where life is right now. I'm not sure if there's ever been a point at which the future was so unknown to me as it is right now. ( I could be exaggerating here, but really.) There is a staircase before me that is dark, I'm not sure where the first step is, and Papa has called me to wait. To sit here and wait.

I'm not one to wait much. Or if I am waiting, I do what I call "active waiting". I always try to be productive, so if I'm in an office or before class, 99 out of 100 times I will be doing something-making a list, reading a book, checking email, on the phone.

What's funny as I sit and re-read what I've just wrote is that the emphasis of the unknown is on me. I don't know, and that's just it- I don't. I never truly know. But He does. And this is the Truth I cling to. Because I know His character-He is good, He is faithful, and gives joy and peace abundantly. And He has been so wonderful to show me that this week.

So many little blessings, makarios, have twinkled to show light in the midst of the dark unknown. I could literally list the many things that keep me looking Up. From the people who have walked across rooms just to open the door for me, the visiting students saying "Howdy! I hope you feel better!" as I pass, the friends whose selflessness has astounded me as they walk me from class to class carrying my bag, and the countless texts, messages, phone calls asking how I am and if there's anything that can be done. I find myself joyfully speechless as the flash of these little lights flit on by.

I knew from the beginning, when I approached this staircase and Papa whispered to stay here and wait, that JOY was going to be found at this landing. He hasn't ceased to deliver. Again and again, joy appears, the lights twinkle by, and because of His Hope I look Up. And while I don't see the path before me, I know Who walks beside me and holds my hand.

In Him alone, I can trust. How lovely?

May your day be wonderful and you have eyes to see His makarios, my dears!

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