I'm pretty sure the words "I'm graduating" came out of my mouth for the first time today. It's not like I'm already half way through my senior year, or know where I'm going to college, or have ordered my cap and gown. No that was all pretend. Something I just went along with, like dress-up or playing house when you're little. And yes, I'm forewarning all readers, there is a huge, giant, pretty much positive chance that this post is going to be my "aha" moment, senior style. Except I'm not really sure what I'm figuring out exactly. It's finally like my brain is kinda picking up on what I've been doing this entire year so far in prep for enrolling in college next year. COLLEGE. NEXT YEAR.
When did this happen? Can someone please tell me? It's like one of those surprises you get, that is really super exciting, but so unexpected, and so unlike anything else you've ever gotten, that you're not sure what to say or do right away. Right away or ever.
So yes, my epiphany has been had. Officially accepted enrollment offer. (Gig 'em!) Toaster oven has been purchased. (Thanks mom and dad!) Senior pictures have been taken. (Today) And now...
Well I'm not sure. There will still be homework, still be study sessions at Starbs, still be coffee dates and blading...there will still be a lot of things, but those things will change soon. Not like tomorrow the world is going to end soon. More like a soft fading, the way day changes to night. The colors slowly dim, going from warm to cool. Familiar to unknown. To the point where you have to have some One who knows the way guiding you. Some One that won't ever leave your side and will be your Light amidst the unknown.
Glad I know my Light.
Do you know Him?
I love this Kyleigh!!! I'm gonna miss you next year! Let's make the most of what we have left!! :D bible study sometime?